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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 9, 2019 5:00am-6:01am +03

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a witness documentary on al jazeera. this is al jazeera. this is the news hour live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. away with anger on the streets of chile a diopter the president announced tougher measures against violence. brazil's former president lula da silva is freed from jail after a supreme court ruling. iraq's top clear it calls for more protesters are killed in
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clashes with security forces. 2 people are dating bushfires devastating eastern parts of australia. we begin in chile where a group of protesters are openly defying president sebastian pin year as threat of tougher security measures against violent protesters demonstrators have set fire to a university in the capital santiago and some a looting and destroying properties in the last few hours police fired tear gas and water cannon at protesters who threw rocks in response demonstrations 1st began over a hike in metro phase but have now spiraled into widespread anger against the government's economic policies more than 20 people have been killed nearly 2000 others injured in violence over the past few weeks not all demonstrations have been violent though is our life in america editor lucy newman reports. chile enters day 23 of this
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social upheaval we are still seeing the 2 faces of these demonstrations on the one hand tens of thousands of people again marching peacefully. the main convergence point in midtown on the periphery of all that there are smaller but very violent groups many of them armed with century devices riot police. and private property on this occasion. was the setting fire of a more than 100 year old mansion that houses the university of the firemen took a long time to get there to try to put it out because of the barricades. to help them but it was too late to stop the whole building from being destroyed by. all this is happening less than 48 hours after president. announced
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a long list of what he called measures to stop the violence from continuing. as one of latin america's wealthiest countries but also one of his most on equal president sebastian pinera as efforts to calm the public anger against it do not seem to be working he reversed the santiago metro days after protests broke out in year also announced a package of social measures last month these include a 20 percent rise in the universal pension and a freeze in electricity tariffs the right wing leader has sacked some members of his cabinet but protesters continue to demand that he steps down there and found the vice president of council of the americas he joins us on skype from washington d.c. good to have you with. the thought from you 1st of all about how these protests have been building the momentum that they have and just how long they have gone on does this surprise you. yeah it absolutely does surprise us not just but they started in
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the 1st place but they've gone on for so long and they seem to be gathering the intensity no matter what the government does in terms of trying to call for reforms and push through changes in the cabinet members of the cetera so this is a quite worrisome situation for many people who have watched for a long time there's been a very common refrain of heard this a lot from people from the protesters saying that neo liberalism was born here neo liberalism will die here this is about a real root and branch china to the economic and political system is not well for some people it clearly is but i would caution but that's not necessarily the motivating factor for everybody in chile and fact chile at the macro level has done relatively well certainly compared to its latin american neighbors and poverty has been reduced a dramatically over the years so yes inequality remains high but i think a lot of people are not necessarily a lot of the protesters they're not necessarily looking to overthrow the system but
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they want the system to work better for themselves and their kids clearly there are people who want to overthrow the system let's not deny that but i think it's a more nuanced position or just explain this for us because your lot has been a bedrock of stability its economy brought that boom and bust cycle that we've seen throughout latin america and yet we still have this deep seated inequality and that's growing and that seems to be at the heart of the how do you get that economic growth that hasn't trickled down through the rest of the of the community . yeah this is the key question and i think a lot of really smart people have looked at the so over the years and and yet we still are where we are from the perspective of the international community the business community the academic community etc chile has done just about everything that people said quote unquote it should at the economic level and it's the political institutions are strong. it's a strong democracy etc so if a country like chile is having trouble what does that say about others i do think
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though that one of the answers here has to be a greater sensitivity to substitute it to the social safety net a realization that just because things might be happening well at the macro economic level that the micro economic level things might not be so good and also we have to factor in here expectations right i mean a country like chile the middle class has been growing for some time and their expectations have been growing too and it's when those expectations can no longer be met that people begin to get frustrated so that's not necessarily a measure of where our economic size or any quality of such or that all factors in but i would say there's a lot going on here in terms of unmet expectations as well so it's sort of get your thoughts on where this goes from here because the momentum has been with the protesters and yet been year a has offered those concessions he's also then turned around and tried to crack down on the protesters as well what about his future how he survives this and what will be the good bright guy. i think the government was clearly taken by surprise
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as most observers were as well no doubt about that the police force in chile is frankly too small to deal with. nationwide protests and we know the history of chile which makes bringing in the military into the streets very problematic which they did at the beginning and i think they've been reluctant to do but. really was the wrong impression for many observers and many people in chile where do we go from here here i mean i think that they have to have a nationwide dialogue they have to find ways to meet the demands in some way of the protesters to the extent possible but from the protesters perspective they also have to do their part in other words it's one thing to cause mayhem in the streets and destroy things but they have to have a rational demands that can actually be met by the government too and at this point it doesn't it's not clear that that's the case there has to be leadership there has to be unified demands that the government can actually meet otherwise it's just chaos and mayhem and thank you again for joining us on the program thank you. when
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i defied fist in the air brazil's former president has walked out of prison 19 months after being jailed for corruption and money laundering i was he was surrounded and cheered by his supporters in the city of kirby to a judge or altered his ruling self to brazil's top court room to end mandatory jail time for convicted criminals who've lost their 1st appealed the love was sentenced to more than 12 years in child ahead of last year's presidential election. no. you have no idea of the significance for me to be here with you i know my whole life talk with the brazilian people never thought that today i could be here talking with men and women who during the past 580 days were here saying good morning lula good afternoon lula and yelling good night lula no matter if it were raining if it were 40 degrees or 0 degrees and lulu's releases galvanized his
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supporters his to raise about with more on that. former president left the prison where he's been out for the past year and a half in the state of pa tonight including t.v. there were hundreds of his followers waiting for him outside carrying banners proclaiming his innocence lula spoke there he told his followers that they were the voice of democracy he also said that his imprisonment was meant not to in jail a man but an idea an idea of equality that is much needed in brazil today a little ole said that he's ready for a fight and even though he wouldn't be allowed to run for office because of a clean slate a law that bans officials who have been convicted for corruption among other things from being part of any type of political race and that's why he's asking for the annual ments of the cases against him was imprisoned last year accused of receiving bryant from an engineering companies in exchange of public works contracts he has
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always proclaimed that he's innocent the man that put him behind bars is a very controversial judge here is a judge said a few more who's currently the minister of justice in brazil he has been accused of lacking impartiality during his trial some recordings were released where he was heard in a way helping prosecutor put a gate case against. what happens in brazil he would rather see us release has polarized brazilian society even more. well teresa are selling is about the case against little that a silver let's take a closer look at that he was jailed for corruption and money laundering after it was revealed that he accepted the beachfront apartment from a construction company in return for a lucrative government contract his case was linked to what's not is the carwash scandal that's implicated the state oil company petro boss and many businessmen and politicians across latin america who are insists the case against him is politically motivated and has appealed still pending in both of brazil's top courts
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the leftist leader served as brazil's president between 20032010 he was tipped to win last year's elections but was barred from running after his conviction and in prison that arose iran is a political analyst and author and he joins us on skype from sao paulo it's nice to have you with us just listening to something there that little the disturbers been saying they haven't been juggling a man they've been juggling an idea is that the way that you see this well for the left wing in brazil and for his supporters yes there's that's right i mean look hasn't been in power for the past 9 years he's been in jail for the past year and a half and he still carries a lot of weight so yeah it is a sin it is a symbol is an idea he's almost a martyr at this point as a symbol as an idea as you say that that's still very potent he's still very
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popular because of these convictions in tampa to surprise in the political process so what's the impact from here what is his release going to do to the country politically. well for for the left flipper his supporters look every so such a way such gravity that he might end. management being a way. for the new leaders in new leadership from the last 2 to come out since the last election we need some renovation in progress and can. get in the way of that on the other side. of the blood exemption in football so matters government now that it's out of the jail he becomes a target again and you can you can wait for some more aggressive rhetoric send more money to station the streets and that might be a boost for the present instance instead of a setback he might be looking to get
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a boost out of that but the sign time this release telling size with a slump in both sonars popularity as well so there are challenges for him directly in this isn't it well yes and no the fear of also now though it seems that he is doing campaign more he is a lot about how he has very little to show up from a few economic bills that he passed didn't have much effect in the economy the real economy for so far there's not much that he can show for it so so he's sustaining himself on these aggressive rhetoric and polemics. and things like that and you'll have to move back to have his his nemesis back he's a diversity but he's going to try to get together wherever that there are those around thank you again for giving us your time appreciate that. very few well there's plenty more ahead on the news hour including security stepped up across india head of a court verdict on a controversy or piece of land claimed by both hindus and muslims more street
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battles between police and protesters after a vigil for a 22 year old hong kong student and in sport one of the 2 men who tried to attack a pair of arsenal footballers is sentenced to a lengthy jail. 17 rockets have landed close to an iraqi army base south of the city of mosul the base also houses american troops which are part of the u.s. led coalition helping iraqi forces battle remnants of there's been no reports of casualties and in the iraqi capital baghdad they've been more violent protests the iraqi commission for human rights says at least 23 people have been killed in the unrest since sunday iraq's top cleric has called for calm and has more from baghdad . for 18 year old i'm mot on this day
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at this hour the music must be mournful sitting among fellow protesters he places clarinet in tribute to the hundreds of end up he's killed since anti-government demonstrations began in early october and says this is the best way to convey his feelings. my house is on fire when i play the said music because i remember that they all have a mother waiting for the mahatma they gave the souls for us they sacrifice these souls for this country here in and around but that is to have a square a cross-section of the society in every direction a span of generations the elderly taking great enjoyment in teaching the young the importance of this moment when you're sincere more than anything else is the result protesters are committed to coming out day. after day demonstrators herman to affect 3 point sure a better future for her daughter and it on. the scale of these demonstrations is unprecedented the mood in some areas positively joyful yet activists tell us this
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movement couldn't be more serious and they believe things are far different this time a lot of that in previous protests it's been limited to the youth but with these protests after our youth were killed we felt the need for all of us to come out when men and men elderly people the young and even children have come up with these protests now everyone wants change many here also lend a helping hand some brew and give away a. while others like the distribute fliers advising protesters how to stay safe and we all have rights in this country if we don't act like no one is going to get whether or not government officials ultimately understand the magnitude of these protests makes no difference to that area who says protesters will not be deterred we didn't even get to be in the roads by you and they say good material goods in your life everything will be all monuments like going to be all or maybe all of our
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friends are natalie's getting die here this is not going to be up until we had our rights here and now and all keys are raising their voices like never before some scenes like the one put on by this street theater group are showcasing iraq's plight in ever more creative ways as a country bullied by regional and international allies fighting hard to stand on its own 2 feet a happy ending for the assembled crowd who hope one day this outcome will be more than just fantasy. and dizzy but that. well a spokesman for grand isle says study has urged the military and police to stop using excessive force against the protests in the last fall former tiler city mayor to look to judge out the peaceful ness of the protests in the various forums should be paid great attention the biggest responsibility is on the security forces they
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must avoid using excessive force on peaceful protesters. in the coming hours india's top court is expected to rule on the ownership of a plot of land claimed by both hindus and muslims thousands of people have died as a result of the ongoing dispute over the side troops have been deployed in the northern town of your job the provincial government of uttar pradesh has ordered all schools and colleges to remain closed until monday security is also being tightened across the country and india's prime minister narendra modi has tweeted appealing for calm he says whatever decision the supreme court arrives on ideology it will not be a victory or defeat of anyone i appeal to the country men that all of us prioritise that this decision should further strengthen india's great traditions of peace unity and goodwill at least 2000 people were killed in 992 in communal riots following the demolition of a mosque on that piece of land you know your job and so for a has more. the city on the banks of the river in north india
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is the epicenter of the divide between hindus and muslims. at the heart of the dispute is this piece of land claimed as the birthplace of the hindu. it is also claimed by muslims who say a mosque was here for 400 years until it was demolished by hindu 27 years ago. now 68 remembers the day. father was burnt alive in the courtyard of the house at least 2000 people killed all over india in the hindu muslim rights which followed. as the coach delivers its word dicked says he doesn't seek revenge not even justice a final resolution. no violence after the court's decision whether it comes in favor of the him. but we don't want clashes
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erupted on city. that is a common sentiment in. reclaiming their heritage and. it's about politics they say dispute is about domination of the hindus. and then by the british it is time they say for the hindus to assert themselves as the majority but for many muslims it's about whether their rights are protected. hopes of a compromise have been raised by a committee set up by the supreme court to invite communities to. different. from a group called muslims for peace says that if muslims when they must give to the hindus as long as assurances are given with that other mosque won't be attacked again. if they come with this guarantee muslims must think about either gifting or
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exchanging land for. the. hindus involved in the supreme court case seem agreeable to the compromise. and appropriate. where the. there. is about the supreme court and the potential for history repeating itself. the house impeachment inquiry is a u.s. president donald trump has released more transcripts from closed door hearings but the latest releases for like testimony from the former white house advisor and an
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army officer assigned to the national security council they detail a series of meetings before and after the phone call in which trouble ukraine's president selenski to investigate political rival joe biden the transcripts also refer to trump's former national security advisor john bolton gallacher is live for us in washington d.c. what are we learning more about these transcripts transcripts what are they telling us. well this is firstly from lieutenant colonel alexander a lifelong army officer a highly decorated officer and an expert on ukraine some of this reporting we've heard before but the transcripts really flesh out the details and it's pretty damning for president trump according to lieutenant colonel and he said there was no ambiguity in what president trump wanted in that call when he said to president alinsky do was a favor though in other words according to this highly decorated military officer who is in several of these meetings and listened in on the phone call there was no
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doubt the president trump was asking the ukrainian president to investigate a political rival. the army officer vent and basically saying that president trump was putting his own personal gain over the national security of the united states he also talks about a missions in that phone call the transcript of the phone call saying the president's alinsky specifically mentioned the firm that joe biden's son hunter work for he also goes on to say that john bolton was very concerned in these meetings but then again mick mulvaney is named the acting chief of staff that keeps coming up in the last few hours because according to this transcript from the atlantic colonel it was mick mulvaney he was coordinating all of this of course a subpoena was issued by the democrats to mick mulvaney last night he's unlikely to follow that and again john bolton's name is coming up. the former security advisor to president trump someone who spent a lot of time with president trump and someone who didn't turn up on thursday but
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whose lawyer is really giving this town's allies in the information saying that john bolton potentially has information about meetings that no one else has talked about in these proceedings so far so this is explosive stuff. lots of moving parts here but essentially the democrats are now focused on what will happen next week on wednesday when we get the 1st public hearings giving the american public a chance to actually see these people at speaking in person on camera. so as i said lots of things going on but this is pretty damning testimony from someone who is a recipient of the purple heart someone who served the united states for the entirety of his adult life and has actually born in ukraine and raise these concerns and apparently sent memos out to his senior is sent memos out to john bolton so the picture is once again emerging of a phone call in which many of the fischel who were there have no doubt what president meant when he said there was a favor them and you've mentioned john bolton of course so much speculation about
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what his testimony would mean he hasn't testified he hasn't been subpoenaed but what would it take to get him to testify. well what he is saying essentially john bolton is saying look i'm stuck between 2 executive branches here the white house has told me don't testify so i'm going to let a judge make that decision potentially meaning if a judge says yes you should go ahead and testify you can get even more explosive testimony this is someone john bolton who described the president's personal lawyer rudy giuliani as a hungered is going to take everybody down rudy giuliani of course has been doing accuse of running a shadow foreign policy in essence working as trump personal lawyer to shape foreign policy towards ukraine so we don't know how long any legal decision about john bolton will take it could take months but i think at the moment what the democrats are really focused on in these impeachment inquiry is what will happen over the next few days in other words this is the american public's 1st chance to
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not read all these transcripts i have here in front of me but i actually see these people who heard these calls and were in on these meetings talk publicly for the 1st time and you thank you for that but meanwhile the acting white house chief of staff has defied a subpoena ordering him to testify at the inquiry a white house correspondent kimberly hellcat has more or less all things is this fair as u.s. president donald trump continues to attack the impeachment investigation another witness has refused to show up acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney is the latest in a string of white house officials to defy request by democrats to testify in the congressional impeachment inquiry get over it democrats want to talk to motivate about statements he made last month he told reporters trying deliberately held up military aid to ukraine to pressure it to investigate trump's political rival former vice president joe biden we do we do that all the time with foreign policy
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mulvaney later walk back those statements and democrats want to know why they didn't was one of 13 witnesses scheduled to testify. closed door hearings this past week just 2 showed up as congress moves toward the public phase of its investigation to begin next wednesday trump says he's opposed to those hearings well they shouldn't be having public fears that contradicts republican members of congress who stormed a closed door session recently protesting the private hearings and have asked for more openness democrats allege trump abuse presidential power when he spoke in july with ukraine's leader but call prompted a whistleblower complaint the foundation of the democrats' impeachment inquiry trump released a transcript of the call he says shows no wrongdoing he's considering releasing a 2nd transcript of another call with the korean president back in april i had a call. your was 500 you know i have
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a lot of calls but i have no problem relates to get a bird friends very democrats allege just the opposite is a heck of a lot of evidence the president of the peach both answers but we have to give a fair hearing if they try to be open minded and say next week the world will hear publicly from key witnesses in this investigation one of them bill taylor has confirmed privately what donald trump has vehemently denied that trunk tied ukraine aid into an investigation into former vice president joe biden kimberly helped at al jazeera the white house before twitter employee accused of spying for saudi arabia in the united states is being granted by l. . and another employee allegedly accessed the personal account information of more than $6000.00 twitter uses that include prominent critics of the saudi royal family i've been charged with acting as agents of riyadh without registering with the u.s. government. in australia 2 people have been killed as firefighters continue to
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battle a record number of bushfires emergency officials say 7 others are unaccounted for in the eastern states hundreds of homes have been destroyed in parts of the country crippled by severe drought prime minister scott morrison has announced financial aid to help farmers what this is doing is supporting farmers and graziers who know that i have a future in the sector and a committed to getting to the other side of this drought and knowing that better days are on the other side and this gives them the massive breathing spice to be able to make the investments pie the employees on the farm do the work that i need to purchase for a a just a store might the decisions that dine i need to take over the next few years to ensure that i get to the other side. still ahead on al-jazeera adding fuel to the fire how protests in lebanon are affecting a fragile economy. of the us the n.h.s.
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is not it is not the saudis. a pledge from the u.k. prime minister a selection concerns are raised about britain's island health service. yeah. captain i'm going to tiger woods. at a personal touch from tiger he's unusual change selection for the presidents cup leah will explain children. hello i think the weather is just about change over mainland china knows that much time in the sky what's developing is still coming out of the high ground to the west but the action is down the south china sea it is another tropical cyclone developing here it will drift towards vietnam allowing the quiet weather behind it it's slowly cooling down it's 19 in shanghai is 27 in hong kong humidities quite
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down a long way down there except for the west of the ground rises this cloud does develop rain every now and again now given what's happening in sas shaughnessy and given us are twins drifting towards vietnam is gathering most the most are into it allowing very few showers develop further south they will be some in borneo admittedly there will be some as i have been recently in k.l. and singapore but mostly it's a cloudy and humid picture here not particularly went and struck java shots the showers with the chances pretty low to be honest though they are showing themselves rather more new and sort of y.c. and of course born here by sunday it will be feeling them again the feel the effect of that tropical cyclone bringing rain and strong winds and now on to the next 2 days northern bay of bengal another tropical cyclone one that started with that last one was in vietnam came across redeveloped and is already producing rain in addition west bengal the winds are still strengthening still to come. the weather
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sponsored by cats our. oldest muslim undertakers working here is just 7 days a week that's grown with a community my father purchased a black ambulance started to do the funerals in london and the family we saw stopping bothering to watch and. the stories be told often here told by the people who the. level of. east and undertakers this is europe on al-jazeera. investigative journalism the world during. global experts and discussion 3 times you've got a deal and you disagree with that deal because of the terrible twos the worst of the love it was brought to us when you look to stories from other angles open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to al-jazeera both programs to inspire you on
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al-jazeera. you're watching al-jazeera here's a reminder about top stories this hour security forces have fired tear gas that a government protesters into lies capital santiago bundles of set fire to the city's main university protesters are demanding education and economic reforms. i. presume as formal leftist president is out of jail after serving 19 months of a 12 year sentence for corruption and money laundering move the deceivers release follows a supreme court ruling overturning the process for criminal appeals. protesters in
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iraq are continuing their campaign against the government demanding an overhaul of the political system security forces of 5 t.v.'s and used to stun grenades on demonstrators in baghdad. the vigil for a student killed in hong kong protesters turned violent police used tear gas to try to break up crowds of demonstrators the death of child to log on friday is expected to fuel more anger sara clock has more from hong kong. the hospital confirms the students death on friday morning child she looks suffered a brain injury after falling from a car park during a protest on monday but after 2 operations he died of a cardiac arrest doesn't force. the family wants to tell the media and the people of hong kong thank you very much for showing your support and encouragement to queen elizabeth hospital in the past few days they are very thankful. child was a computer science undergraduate at the hong kong university of science and
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technology fried i was the graduation ceremony for many of the students that event became a memorial as his colleagues paid tribute to the 22 year old i think it's a very grave day and we all have we all have i think a lot of humble people not just for us the members have a man told operation for this but still when it comes to fact it hurts a lot this could be the 1st death as a direct result of the confrontations between police and protesters in hong kong the anti-government movement blames the police for china's injury which occurred when tear gas was fired on students during a dispersal operation he was trying to employ. from the police but you can't. call them from haha so today we are. also locked in my. government the police to launch. yes because the government has
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expressed its regret and sorrow of the death of the 22 year old student standing in sympathies to the family but this incident is lucky to further anger the anti-government movement more protests is expected to join demonstrations this weekend are high profile pro-democracy activists joshua warm and agnes chow have called on protesters to join the rallies which are now in their 5th month they were charged with organizing a legal assembly in june before friday's court appearance they demanded an independent police inquiry into what they describe as excessive force being used on protests now is the time for the government to step up in the band as investigation on the clash we didn't know for truth and justice. the police have denied any wrongdoing and will conduct a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances of the student's death sara clock outta 0 hong kong. turkey says it will start sending captured awesome members
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back to their countries of origin next week the interior minister said about $287.00 members were recaptured since the start of the offensive last month he's accused western countries of a lack of cooperation by putting prisoners on trial in the country where they've been in court later is a senior researcher at human rights watch she says west in the ocean should be working with turkey to repatriate some citizens we'll have to see how this plays out but the best option for western europe would be to cooperate with turkey rather than continue to drag its feet and and reject the pleas of authorities in the region and its own citizens for them to take back their own people i have a hard time believing that western europe with its mature democracies and its robust judiciaries and and investigative systems does not have a way to absorb. or several 100 several 100 of its own nationals back into
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its system this strikes me as being an empty argument a shallow argument western europe is going that been content to out of sorts its citizens to other countries it's time for that to stop for it to stop hiding its head in the sand and to do the right thing by its nationals who are suffering suffering in terrible dire conditions in camps and prisons hundreds of children have died in these counts shame on western europe it's time to act iran says its forces have shot down what's being described as a foreign drawn it reportedly happened near the bund port the provincial governor says wreckage from the drone has been recovered and is being investigated this video from iranian state television allegedly shows the moment to draw and was brought down the u.s. has denied reports the unmanned vehicle belonged to them saying all of its equipment has been accounted for. thousands of algerians have been back on the
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streets to protest against the country's power elite just 6 weeks ahead of plan elections i demonstrators are rejecting the december vote they say could be manipulated by the military calling for the allies a formal leader. to step down. urging lebanon to form a new cabinet quickly labeling the ongoing instability as deeply concerning they've been more than 3 weeks of protests as demonstrations call for an overhaul of the political system as a hoarder explains the crisis is threatening fuel and medicine imports. the crisis in lebanon is deepening there soon could be fuel shortages importers say banks are not giving them the dollars they need to buy supplies the lack of foreign currency was a problem even before protests against the ruling elite began 3 weeks ago at the time the central bank promised to facilitate access to dollars and guarantee fixed
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exchange rates for exporters. the government resigned and banks have reversed the decision banks want 85 percent of the payment at lebanese liras and 15 percent in dollars but they have imposed fees importers can no longer afford the additional cost lebanon's largest protest movement in years was triggered by the economic crisis people are demanding a government independent of political parties to prepare for early elections there is a political standoff and it is hurting the economy and hospitals are now warning of what they call a health catastrophe now than what we patients may start dying because of the lack of filters for example our stocks won't last more than a month the government must pay its juice to the hospitals right away and banks should ease transactions so we can pay importers banks are placing restrictions on the withdrawal of hard currency and financial transaction. since outside the
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country remains blocked apart from some exceptions there's so much that. there's no . limited quantities there has been no progress on forming a new government caretaker prime minister stardoll had 80 is pushing for a politically neutral government to steer the country out of the crisis that is reportedly how do you condition to return as prime minister and he knows he has the support of the international community and among a number of political blocs which puts him in a strong position in the gauche ations it will be hard to find a replacement and if he steps aside the crisis could go on even longer but the governing alliance continues to insist its parties remain represented in any future cabinet. the world bank is warning that the stalemate could lead to an even sharper economic downturn lebanon is facing difficult days ahead. beirut
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you were an expert panel has condemned the way former egyptian president mohamed morsi was treated during his 6 years in state custody morsi died in june after collapsing in a cairo courtroom while on trial the u.n. panel says conditions which contributed to his death quote could amount to a state sanctioned arbitrary killing i've described a 6 year imprisonment as brutal so morsy slipped on a concrete floor with one or 2 blankets the u.n. working group was criticized egypt's government saying that human rights violations in the country's giles intentional. the problem. has stepped down just days after being appointed by president jose maria vows to leave the west african nations gave him an ultimatum to the regional body a show was wants to make sure the country holds fair presidential elections later this month because he has more from dakar in neighboring senegal there is
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a sense of relief and call me in the capital going to be so after the announcement of the resignation of the president's appointed prime minister. 4 and members of his government the west african body ecowas launched an ultimatum against this government saying that they needed to step down or they would face sanctions now west africans heads of state met. in an emergency meeting over the political crisis and they have announced that they will be more troops on the ground already there are west african forces protecting the parliament building the prime minister's office and the president protecting the prime minister's office specifically because the prime minister refused to step down we're talking about gomez after he was fired by the president the president himself wanted to step in with the military to force him out of office now he didn't take place thanks to the west
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african forces the elections are supposed to take place on november 24th i received gomez is running for reelection his mandate ran out in june earlier this year he's running for reelection but he's married to with mounting contestants including a recent go arrest the current prime minister was running against him so this will be a tightly run race and the west african heads of state it seems want to keep a close watch on it to ensure that there will be a peaceful election taking place there. the international court of justice said it will hear a case filed by ukraine against russia it concerns moscow's alleged support of proration separatists in eastern ukraine now this decision comes as kiev's army and russian backed separatists are said to withdraw more troops from the front line on saturday the plane to exit is part of a series of measures aimed at ending a conflict that's killed more than 13000 people in the last 5 years.
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the fate of britain's national health service has become the latest election campaign issue the universal health care system is under strain from rising life expectancy and increasing costs there are some parties are warning its future could be at risk if britain leaves the e.u. for brennan reports from central london absolutely in a role reversal the prime minister was taking the pulse of medical staff on friday that the future of britain's national health service came to the forefront of this general election campaign president trump when he visited the u.k. in june had commented that everything was on the table in post breck's a trade negotiations he later clarified saying the n.h.s. was not up for grabs but the seed of mistrust was sown and launching their election campaign in edinburgh on friday the scottish nationalist party or s.n.p. has promised to slam the door on predatory overseas health care companies we will
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fight tooth and any attempts to force the national health service to post bricks it create deal with donald trump that is why after this election s.n.p. m.p.'s will bring forward a new law and any protection. the s.n.p. says their proposal would prevent scotland's devolved power over health care being overruled by trade deals made by the london government the s.n.p. wants independence for scotland and is strongly opposed to it. the n.h.s. is a crucially important issue in the u.k. financially and politically last year the equivalent of $200000000000.00 was spent on health care in the u.k. that's 30 percent of the entire public services budget but the maintenance backlog stands at $8000000000.00 waiting lists a growing in costs are rising year on year patient satisfaction has fallen to 53 percent yet politically the n.h.s. still enjoys enormous public affection among voters after forest johnson is keen to
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offer reassurance on the conservative election campaign on friday pledged a new n.h.s. visa to fast track overseas medical staff into the n.h.s. to tackle the current shortfall of 100000 staff we can do free trade deals with countries around the world but i'm to us the n.h.s. is not for sale it is not for sale it is not going to be on any kind of international trade negotiation this is pure luck this monster but near detroit stuff the struggle to just keep the n.h.s. going is very real 67 percent of acute care n.h.s. hospital trusts are currently running a budget deficit collectively as of march this year they were $730000000.00 in the red you can see units like this one a guy's hospital cost millions and the challenge for the political parties in this election is to work out how to pay for them paul brennan al-jazeera london. spain's
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prime minister has called for democracy not violence in catalonia on his final day of campaigning ahead of this year's 2nd general election has made the comments at a rally in barcelona where there's been anger at the jailing of separatist leaders john hall has more. of a student protest camp blocking a busy barcelona street and says much about the deadlock at the heart of spanish politics and we are playing. like conscious and young people that we are growing up in a system that in many years we just feel this is a generation that doesn't believe its future is served by the political infighting that saw socialist leader pederast sanchez fail to form a governing coalition after elections in april. now sanchez is hoping his gamble on a 2nd election in 7 months spain's 4th in 4 years will pay off locating his final
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campaign rally in barcelona the catalan capital is meant to send a message that he is best placed to solve spain's most intractable problem the drive for catalan independence. this is the catalonia we stand for the catalonia that wants to live in peace and not confrontation that wants democracy and not violence solutions and not conflict so really. the problem here pedro sanchez is that while the socialists are predicted to win they will likely once again fall short of a majority and forming a coalition maybe even harder this time than it was back in april. he wants to show that he has the support of like. me and you think you'll succeed here he'll get the votes i don't know if you'll get. the violence in barcelona last month that followed the jailing of cattle and separatist leaders
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read. ignited the independence debate and drove spanish public opinion to the right . the far right vox party but promises to ban separatism altogether could emerge as spain's largest party and the once mighty conservative people's property is also on the rise leaving the socialists struggling for suitable partners one option sanchez hasn't ruled out is a tie up with catalonia separatist parties but what they want most he cannot give is play with their with its side effects of you and the left but in the end we are always about her vocal this is. the view that of making deals with the right parties so the political deadlock could well continue and in the struggle for an independent catalonia stalemate jonah how al-jazeera barcelona still ahead on al-jazeera one of the biggest. looks to return to europe.
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to. the big breaking news story can be chaotic and frantic behind the scenes. people shouting instructions if you're trying to provide the best most accurate up to date information as quickly as you can. it's when you come off being seen can make you
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realize you've witnessed history in the making. it's time for sport now his lawyer thank you very much well one of the 2 men who tried to rob arsenal players and see had collapsed a notch at knifepoint back in july has been sentenced to 10 years in jail the judge in a london court described the 30 year old attacker as a career criminal who was known to police his accomplice is awaiting sentencing the pair were attempting to steal watches from the players when they were confronted by
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much manchester city play liverpool at anfield in the big premier league match this weekend city trail liverpool by 6 points and manager pep guardiola says a loss could be the end of their title defense would be more difficult of course if you see 12 minutes labor pool they lost one game last season and the season is unbeaten so you can imagine look and think they're not going to lose many games about this season is long a lot of games. but what the situation is going to happen. it's a big game game 2 really good teams face each other. and then food which is really cool. it's really cool so everything is prepared for a good football game and we will see if it will be. for. home means is it for coaches who take to
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a point of view is it for support the. big tech good point of view we will see but everything is on the plate there is one game played earlier on friday between the premier league's bottom 2 sides want for it have moved out of last place after securing their 1st win of the season beating norge 2 nil swedish footballers' lot to enable him a bit just set to leave the los angeles galaxy and rejoin ac milan that's according to the man who runs major league soccer speaking on us t.v. m.l.s. commissioner don garber said the 38 year old was being recruited by the 7 time european cup winners a lot and played for milan between 201-2012 scoring 42 goals in 61 league matches you know as latona is such an interesting guy i mean he he keeps my hands full short of my own boxful but you know he's a thrill a minute and you know you need to have those guys that are breaking through the clutter like david beckham did in our early days and
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a 38 year old guy who now is being recruited by ac milan one of the top clubs in the world so he has you know almost set records with how many goals he scored over the last 2 years and he's exciting on and off the field right he certainly keeps our hands full but at the end of their love to see him back but that's going to be up to the l.a. galaxy. to golf now captains tiger woods and ernie els have announced their teams for the presidents cup starting next month in melbourne australia this by any all event it features a diverse group of international players up against an all american line up former world number one jason day of australia is likely the biggest name on the international team korea's song j.m. is arguably less well known but if he can reproduce shots like this at the royal melbourne golf club next month i'm sure you'll be hearing more about him. the united states won the last presidents cup and their team is packed full of big
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names not normally the captain doesn't play but that's not the case this year. yeah as captain i'm going to choose tiger woods as the last player on the team. he's made what 9 cups. he's played in australia twice in the presidents cup so this will be his 3rd appearance there. as a player and i find interesting talking in 3rd person says a 3rd person tiger is now my favorite side of the sea i get bored easily bored with no. the next generation of tennis talent will be looking to stamp their authority on the season ending a.t.p. finals which start on sunday for the players who have qualified or 23 years old or younger but standing in their way are veterans rafael the doll novak djokovic and roger federer i think the next you know 23 years of very exciting because the other guys are so they're playing the best tennis in the world is still better than us is
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this is true because that once were the big tournaments but i think the younger is improving quite quickly and it's going to be interesting to see whoa whoa double goes off we have a future we we are the ones that will fill the stadiums because people will people that watch tennis and we're the ones who are going to create the future for sports to get younger players and finally the u.c.i. urban cycling world championships have been filled with plenty of firsts it was the debut for b.m.x. freestyle flatland where dominic macaulay of the czech republic took gold in chengdu china on the women's side austrian arena it's a dolphin it took home the top hardware for her urban cycling as a whole will be making its debut at the olympics next year well that's all your sport for now will have more for you later. and you can find much more on our web site the address for that is w w w. that's it for me there's more news in just
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a mum. ah the current efforts to contain the spread of nuclear weapons doing enough to keep the world safe the most crucial pointed to come trouble is all to stop nuclear explosions from opening in the to do because decades of secretary of the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization is seen as their boat cookstown jazeera. ruins that speak of a rich history and the ones ranged from this palace more than 600 years ago this is the old town of che to the door to the sacred land of the gods and to the century of much petri ancient traditions are still being embraced here today that may change less than 2 kilometers away bulldozers are never the ground for a controversial new airport that's expected to shuttle millions of tourists to
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historic sites the airport should then be the sacred following she sure has culture and traditions for thailand but the big powers want to because it's the door much of which. kind of who is poor is dividing them and then i would be in favor of an airport if more people come and make business with us but only if it will preserve our environment and our ruins some farmers like they believe their lives may change bring development to our community and country the us is a tipping point scientists are telling us right now that we have just 12 near us the world's leaders fail to agree on a solution. to taking matters into their own. he . would try to sections to get people to understand that it kills people and that it kills people now it's critically both fronts were to the people stores don't
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know just 0.05 this is the opportunity to understand in a very different way where there before happens if we don't leave our. i i. a wave of anger on the streets of chile a day off to the president announced tougher measures against violence. i'm sam he say this is al jazeera live from the hall so coming up. i. resilience former president lula da silva is freed from jail after a supreme court ruling. security.


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